Unlock your ideal career path
For assistance with choosing your best fit career path, complete the assessments below prior to your session. Print out and handwrite your results (or go to the link if instructed then print results).
First go to www.16personalities.com and take the free personality test. It will take about 15 min., then print out and save your results for your appointment.
Next complete the Values inventory, print out and handwrite your results, then save for your career coaching/counseling appointment.
Complete the Rewarding Experiences Assessment, print out then handwrite your answers, save for your career coaching/counseling appt.
Optional, go to www.skillscan.com and complete the new “Drive” skills assessment $15.95, save and print out your results. This is not required and not intended for those who have no work experience, and are under age 25.
Save all results for your career coaching/counseling appointment, no need to send your results in advance of your appointment.
Need more information?
If you have any questions prior to your appointment or need additional information prior to scheduling, let us know!